Namibia: Live stream in the Namib Desert

Live feed, from a waterhole in the heart of Namibia.

GPS coordinates : -24.074923, 15.887410

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Complementing the magnificence of the Namib Desert’s never-ending red sand dunes, Namibia Cam’s waterhole lies within the Gondwana Namib Park – bordering the Namib Naukluft Park. In this park, all man-made barriers have been removed, creating a space over 56,540 square kilometers (meaning 21,830 sq mi) – wildlife moves freely between the two parks and the other privately owned guest farms.

Built in 2006, the special character of this waterhole, has not only an impact on the surrounding wildlife, but stretches across the globe, from home to home. This particular waterhole is situated within an open plain, 8km from Namib Desert Lodge.

A solar-powered borehole fills a nearby reservoir and is monitored by a water float that opens as the waterhole’s levels decline.

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