The incredible encounter of a giant whale was captured by a drone.

Argentine photographer Maxi Jonas has been shooting wildlife for more than two decades. But he never dreamed of capturing his latest footage: a drone video of a southern right whale lazily playing with a stand-up paddle (SUP) board as its rider quietly sits, watching the giant say hello in its unexpected way.

Right place, right time produced drone video of whale-human encounter

Jonas took the video on a September 1 flight over the bay of Puerto Madryn, a city about halfway down Argentina’s coast. A professional photographer for Argentine nation press agency Télam, Jonas has filmed the majestic mammals many times as part of his passion for wildlife photography, but of never one undertaking such astonishing interaction with a human. In posting the encounter on his Twitter account, Jonas deservedly boasted, “I think today I made the best whale drone video of my life.”

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